Thursday, May 13, 2010

Womb Hair

Shhh, don't tell Nick just yet.  I took Sam's "womb hair" (as Nick likes to call it) today.  Yes, I cut it.  :(  It was a very hard decision for me, but after many trips to places, even running into people who know I do not have a little girl...Sam has been called a girl one too many times.
I felt bad for him, like people would actually think that if I had a girl, I would dress her in boy clothes?!?!  No way!  For example.  Today I had to run to Walmart (my least fav. place ever!!) and this woman I work with said "wow, she is so cute, your daughter looks just like you"!!  She is a he, and maybe it's time for a haircut.  It tore me apart to cut those darling curls off.  So I hesitated, and only cut about an inch, rather than the 3 I could have taken.  He still has curls...just not a many big ones.  It's still long, just not as long.

I thought this picture was just the cutest ever.

Yes, thats my little boy...this was all Nick's doing I might add.  I was actually at work, when this picture popped into my e-mail.  He is driving his truck while brushing his teeth, all with a ponytail!!
Maybe it was time for a haircut huh?

1 comment:

  1. too adorable! I let out the biggest giggle when I saw the pony tail picture :) I think Samuel is the most adorable BABY BOY! Yes he does look like you , but he is definitely a total boy. and I couldn't help but laugh at the "before" picture. The expression on his face is priceless. Love you Jen


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