Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh Sam...

Sam, Sam, Sam.  Wow.  I don't even know where to start.  For one, he's totally opposite of Ethan.  Sam likes to "get dirty".  Ethan like to be clean.  Sam climbs everything, mostly things he shouldn' the entertainment center, and Ethan's bunk bed ladder...all the way to the top!  He likeS to play in the toilet water (yes I was mortified), and in the trash can.  For example this morning he found Ethan's left over chocolate pudding in the trash bag, got it out and had a hay day with it!!  All over the kitchen floor, under his nails.  That was fun...for both of us!  He loves to eat dog food and put all Sadie's kibbles in her water bowl.  And once that's done, Sadie won't eat them.  He likes to feed the dog his lunch, rather than eating it himself.  He tries to grab his diaper to play with it during a diaper change.  And this morning...I watched him pick his nose...and "try out" his findings...mmmm...

So every night when I am done getting Sam in his pj's he goes into the bathroom to tell Ethan good night while I make his bottle.  Tonight, the boys were especially I knew they were UP to something.  I go in the bathroom, and he's in the tub, IN HIS PJ's!!  I had to laugh.  This kid is seriously into everything.  Anything I think about ahead of time, he usually does.  He is just like his Daddy.  He likes to keep you on your toes.

Did I mention we LOVE this kid so much?!? :)

1 comment:

  1. hhahah oh my gosh! He is adorable :) Sounds like so much fun for your family & I bet he keeps you on your toes. The pictures are waaaaay too funny! I can't believe he crawled in the tub fully dressed.


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