Thought I would share this fun picture with you:

{ 9 months inside the belly - wow, my belly was massive!}
{ 9 months outside the belly}
Amazing isn't it?! I just love his little face in that picture! He looks so grumpy, but he really wasn't! Such a stinking cutie pie!! :) In the past few weeks he has began to say uh-oh! He will purposefully throw his cup on the floor and then say "uh-oh". It's pretty funny. I have tried cheerios with him, but he is just not ready yet. Maybe in another month or so!? He is great at crawling around now, and actually enjoys standing on his head.
See what I mean? He does it all the time! It's fun to play peek a boo with him like that, he just laughs and laughs. Sometimes he will even crawl like that, but with his head up, of course. :)
Griffin has also started to pull up to stand on some furniture. He's pretty wobbly still, and really isn't sure what the heck he's doing. It's almost scary watching him. I'm afraid he is just going to topple over!
{love those little lips}
{before I took this picture, I was sad that I didn't have any nakie pictures of Griffin, and that I would soon forget just how cute he was with all his baby rolls. So I snapped a few!}
Happy 9 month birthday Griffin! We love you so much!
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