Saturday, November 20, 2010

That time of year...

I can't believe it's already time to break out the Christmas decorations.  The neighbors got me beat!  They already have garland wrapped around their railing!  I did get out the Christmas tree to put downstairs and discovered that half the lights don't work.  That made me very grumpy and unmotivated to do anymore!  I need to get to work.  And I have NOT done any crafts since before the baby came!  I am getting the itch to do something crafty!  So today I made this:

A gumdrop wreath for the holidays!  Don't you love how Christmas-y it feels?  I do!  Want one?  E-mail me!  (  Want to make one for yourself?  Go HERE.  I hope to get all my decorations out before Thanksgiving so I can spend the weekend making lots of crafty things with Breanne!  I am so excited, it has been over a year since I have seen her!  Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


1 comment:

  1. yeay!!!!! i LOVE the shout out!!! lol. I so can not wait to come and visit & meet baby G:) your wreath is gorgeous. It looks like you bought it at one of those crafty boutique places. great job jennie!!!


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