Forget baby steps...I am taking one giant leap into the world of sewing. I am tackling my 1st quilt. It's so cute! You can find the tutorial HERE. And I found the super cute fabric for it HERE. It might be a little challenging, especially for my 1st, but hey I am up for the challenege!! I finally got all the fabric cut out, and I tell you what. Having kids and trying to wash, press, and cut fabric...CHALLENGING. A simple 40 minute project can turn into a 6 hour project! I can't wait to show you the finish product...even if it takes 4 months! I am also working on a baby quilt, but don't have all the fabric yet. But it's going to be so cute!!! It's a green and blue apple "theme"!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Keeping Busy.
The boys' new favorite thing to paly with? Play-Doh! Sam thought it was yummy at first...then I think he tasted it and realized it was a little salty! I am pretty sure we all have done that! I can remember as a child making play-doh "food" and thinking it looked so good, and actually taking a bite of it, to end up just spitting it out in disgust. :)
I still need to try making that edible play-doh. Anyone ever made it before?? I'd love to hear feed-back on it.
yes, he decided it was pool time too, but refused to wear his trunks! So this was our view...his little bum!
Hi Mom!
It's funny how the boys are SO different from each other. Ethan doesn't like to be hot or in the sun. Sam on the other hand, could care less! It had been so hot and the minute you walk outside you are literally dripping sweat, and all Sam wanted to do was spend the entire day playing in the pool or with his play-doh. Ethan went out for like 4 minutes and then informed me he was too hot and sweaty "see Mom, feel my hair", and then he would go inside! We are enjoying are summer, and hope you are too! We still need to venture out to the big pool!
PHEW...he passed!
(Ethan is the whitest little guy there...2nd one in on the left)
Well we are finished with Ethan's Toddler 2 swim lessons. And I was sweating it out a little...he didn't want to put his face in the water all by himself (a requirement to pass!) He learned how to float on his back (with help), push off the wall and kick his feet, put his face in the water while blowing bubbles, and dunk all the way under. Those of you who really know Ethan, know just how much he HATES to get his face wet. So this was a BIG step for him! He still won't do it in our little pool at home because he says the water is "dirty"...even though it's clean. I think it's just an excuse to not get his face wet! He starts Preschool 1 level on July 12th. Wish us luck!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Room Re-Do.
Sunday (Father's Day) was a big day in the house for Ethan and Sam. Ethan got a new room-mate! Sam's crib got torn down and put away. I asked Nick if he thought we should keep it up just in case, and he said we are not "half - assing"'s either all or nothing. So I took it apart! We took Ethan's bunk bed apart, and Ethan has the bottom bunk and Sam has the top bunk (on the floor). The railing is already installed on it.
1st night went well...minus the thunderstorms (Sunday night). Second night Sam was awake every 2 hours. But last night....oh last night...thunderstorms and all...Sam slept in his bed the entire night. He even thought he would give us a treat and sleep in! He graced us with his presence at around 7:20!! He didn't cry when he woke up...just marched out of the bedroom like it was always his! :)
After re-arranging, I thought we needed different paint and something new in their room. So I, 26 weeks pregnant and all, moved ever single peice of furniture in that room and painted the walls. All 4 of them. I never want to do it again. It took all day...and let me tell you! The boys had 2 ice cream treats each and pretty much whatever they wanted just so I could get the project DONE, as I knew I would NOT feel like doing it the next day! Ha! It worked though. Then I found some super cute wooden letters at Hobby Lobby and covered them in cute scrapbook paper and hung them above their beds. Made those cute circle stringers with fishing-line, scrapbook paper and double sided tape! I just love how it turned out! I think Ethan and Sam do too...they have been playing in there alot latley! So happy!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
18 months.
This little guy has captured our hearts over the last 18 months. So much we have learned and loved about him. Samuel had his 18 month Dr. check on June 11th. Here's the stats:
Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 32 1/2 inches
Things we have learned about Sam:
You LOVE your pacifier. We are learning to get it out when you want to talk!
Can't sleep without your brown blankie.
You love your brother and look up to him.
You are desperatley wanting to go potty in the toilet...but get shy under pressure.
You love to dance, to anything. As soon as you hear music...your movin' and a shakin'!
You sleep best when your cuddling with Mommy or Daddy.
You don't like cottage cheese.
You LOVE to eat. Anything (except cottage cheese), anytime, anywhere.
You aren't afraid to try new things.
You are fascinated with babies. (thank goodness!)
You love to play outside.
You so badly want to do everything your big brother does!
All these and so much more, make up Samuel. Can't wait to see what he grows into throughout the rest of the year!! We love you Sammie!
G is for...
Pretty sure we have found a baby name! Something that is cute, yet manly, sounds good with Ethan and Samuel and of course his last name. And to top it off, we BOTH agreed on it! We have a winner! But sorry, were not sharing! It's to remain a suprise! I'll entertain guesses, but I still won't tell you, even if you guess it! ;)
Growth Spurt!
This morning we had our follow up 25 week ultrasound. Great News!! He had his growth spurt! :) No more worries or concerns about his head and belly size! Such a HUGE relief. He weighs approx. 1lb. 8oz. He was sitting breech...which I am not to worried about as we still have 15 weeks to go! Since he was sitting breech, he had his legs closed and his feet over his bottom I got NO confimation about the sex! He had his legs closed and his arm over his face throughout the entire time! Finally she got him to move his arm so we could see that sweet little face! I think he looks like Sam! Ha! We'll have to see just how accurate I am. Otherwise everything looked GREAT!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Picture This...

For the past 5 nights now...we have been up for a good part of the early morning. Sam has been sick with a fever for the 1st two nights. Then the last 3 have been thunderstorms. Ethan is terrified of thunderstorms, and manages to make his way into our bed...along with Sam...and before you know it, my pregnant belly is being kicked or used as a body pillow for one of the boys. I can't wait for the night we can sleep through the WHOLE night again, and when I can lay comfortably in my bed (with more than 8 inches to sleep on, especially before baby comes!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorable Memorial.
Last weekend we went to Okoboji, IA. I had never been there before, and it had been a while since we had taken a family vacay or been to the I was excited! There were a lot of "firsts" this last weekend. Ethan and Sam had their 1st boat ride, Ethan caught his 1st fish, and both boys had their 1st experience on Jest Skii's. They had a blast!
A theme park right on the water!!
Sam helping Matt drive the boat.
Matt and their 1yr old Will, and Nick and Ethan getting ready to go out...
Sam's 1st time on a Jest Ski
Ethan told Daddy not to go fast at first, but by the end of the day he was loving it!
Sam was totally exhausted from all his adventures! He slept the whole way home too!
Nick even water skiied in 67 degree water!
And Sam and Ethan were SO worried about their Daddy in the water...they both cried the whole time. As soon as Nick wiped out, Ethan lost it and said "Slow down we have to get my Daddy" between tears!!
Matt (Ethan's God Father) helping Ethan get the fish off the line! His first catch!
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