On Feb. 20th we had just begun work in the basement. About 1/2 the plumbing had been done and new concrete poured to cover it. Nothing beyond that had even been started. As of today 99% of the drywall is done! I can't believe it has only taken a month to finish thos huge projects! We have to hold off on the drwall on 1 wall in Sam's room because we are waiting for the ground to thaw so the gas meter can be moved outside. Which that is going to suck a little bit because then my front yard will be dug up around that area! I have been wanting to re-do the flower planter out front anyways...so I guess this is my opportunity! Now it's onto tap and texture (ick), choosing bathroom items, carpet, paint colors, trim, tile, all the fun details!!

I really like the look of the glass tile around the mirror like this...what do you think?? We have found a vanity very similar to this, I just love that you have room for baskets underneath, perfect for towels. I think this might be an option...we'll see!
Can't wait to post pics of the finished product!!!
I really do like the tile around the mirror! What a great idea! It's going to come out just lovely Jennie. So much work is done already, awesome :)