Friday, January 22, 2010

The One I Love...

Yesterday we celebrated Nick's 30th Birthday.  As I write this post today, I can't stop thinking of all the reasons I fell in LOVE with this wonderful, amazing man.  He's rugged, funny, smart, loves golfing and a good cold beer.  He's a pro at fixing up our home, loves Tom Petty, and occasionally loses his temper.  He's strong and makes you feel like he could crush anyone who tried to hurt you.........all the things that make a girl weak in the knees.

Last night Ethan was throwing a fit because he wanted a new calander with stickers in it when we were leaving that mall.  By the time we had made it home, Ethan was totally pissed, to say the least.  Ethan didn't want to take a bath.  Nick yelled..................Ethan cried...............I was bewildered.    Just 20 short minutes later, I found Ethan and Daddy snuggling in bed, reading bedtime stories to each other.  What better way to forgive and move on with the evening?

It's comforting to know when we fail, screw up, loose our tempers and get angry.........He stands up there.......waiting to FORGIVE.

Oh, and he can also tell you just about any just looking at the leaf.  And he does the laundry.  I am starting to feel inadequate! 

Did I mention I LOVE this man?!?


  1. Awwwwwwww!!!! ;) You guys are so cute! Happy Birthday to the Mr. Howard! LOVE the photo of Mama and Sammie behind Daddy and Ethan @ the lake! Precious! ;)

  2. yeay!!!! You have the most wonderful family ever!

  3. You two are too cute! One of these days I'll have to meet this wonderful man instead of talking to him on the phone at work briefly.

    We need to get together soon!

    Happy Belated Brithday to Nick!!!

  4. your blog looks great! I just am reading this post for the first time... better late than never. Ben's 30th was Jan 18~ so close to Nick's! Happy belated birthday to Nick ;)


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