Four years ago yesterday, I married Nick. I can't believe it's already been four years. Seems like just yesterday we met! Looking back on these pictures, I can't believe how much we both have changed! We look so young!

I remember we wanted to get married on my birthday weekend, 4th of July. But we literally waited until the last minute. Literally. I am pretty sure we planned our wedding in about 3 months. We got engaged Christmas Eve of '04, and married in June of '05!! We both just kinda knew we were "it". So we ended up getting married on June 11th. I just happened to be the only weekend we both had off from work. Since we had just moved here, neither of us had any vacation time, so we didn't even get to take a honey moon! :( Wish me luck on that one!

We had a very small ceremony. Only about 13 people were there. Which was great. We loved it. We got married at Our Saviors Lutheran in Sioux Falls. Then after the wedding, took some pictures and had a catered in Steak and Potato dinner at Nick's parents house. I wouldn't change a thing about it!

I'm such a lucky girl to have gotten to marry the man of my dreams.

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