Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Four Month Check Up.

Sammie had his 4 month check up last week. Got 2 shots! He weighed in at 14 lbs. 11oz. I can't believe how fast this has all gone! Didn't I just bring him home like last week!?
The cutest thing happened this morning. Sammie and I were sleeping in bed. He was all snuggled up against me, and I stretched and made a morning yawn sound, 2 seconds later he did the same thing. Exact noise too! It was so cute.
mmm...nummy fingers.

This was his "make shift" bouncy chair with a shade cover. I just threw a blanket over the top to give him a little "tent" of shade! He really loves being outside.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously can't believe he is already 4 months old!!!! WOW! he sure is adorable!


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